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诺·泰尔Noel Tyl占星语录

(2013-06-20 16:20:19)

作者:诺·泰尔 Noel Tyl


  We must recognize how astrology has developed and is presented in order to receive the respect of the society in which it functions.
  The dimension of fatalism has been eased aside, and a more holistic view is put forth in the presentations of astrologers. It is no longer the perception of planets doing things to us; we are realizing that “planets don’t do anything – people do”, which is one of my major teaching points.
  宿命论已经被束之高阁了,现在占星师有了更为全局性的视角。再也不是行星赋予我们什么,我们已经认识到 “行星什么也不做 —— 人才是行动者”,这也是我教学的一个重点。
  Needs make things happen; it is fundamental for a modern astrologer to understand that. Consider vocational theory: I need to be a dramatic communicator, a teacher and a writer and fortunately I am in the right professions, from singing opera to doing astrology. I am fulfilling my reigning need with everything I do.
  Very often, people have relationship problems because they are not happy with themselves. One way of becoming happy with yourself is feeling you are fulfilled in what you do for your work. There is much truth in the statement, “I am what I do!”
  When we give our clients a harmonic structure, a canvas of life-development from a meaningful assessment of the horoscope, we are providing recognition and understanding.
  In counseling discussions, we need to work against the tendency of taking sides, making a good-or-bad judgment, right-or-wrong. That’s not the issue; we must avoid this fallacy of dichotomous reasoning; the details are between the extremes.
  Suppose you were my client and you tell me you’re having an affair, even though your marriage is fine and strong. Then say to your client: “just what are you getting out of this affair? What is it doing for you?” Say this slowly to your client; with great importance.
  If Aries is Rising but the Sun is in Taurus this Sign flavors and expresses the individuals Sun plus the Houses/areas of life Venus Rules. Mars presents as the ‘Fiery warrior competitive energy' but Taurus is the Earthy material and hedonistic influence the individual will carry together.
  My own suggestion for testing the validity of the natal chart would be to focus on matters uniquely astrological. The individual under test would have to be largely isolated from Human contact (I would volunteer for that!) and from any information source. Data could be gathered daily, by a researcher using some dedicated communication channel. I'm thinking of shifts in mood, mental flow, sensory appreciation - all the things that transits can produce, minus “events”. It might be expensive to set up and perform but, if successful, rather convincing.
  对于验证本命星盘的准确性,我个人的建议是锁定占星学的特征事件来判断。受测者必须尽可能与他人接触和信息源隔离(我自愿与他人隔离!)。调查者可以通过专门的沟通方式每天收集信息。我关注情绪的转变、心理的波动、觉知的增长 ——这些行运会带来的影响,而剔除“事件”本身。这项验证工作的建立和操作都很昂贵,但做好了却有很强的说服力。 
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