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(2013-10-17 14:27:14)


"Fashion Weekly  Astrology Feature"Interview Questions Outline

Position  Feature of  "BEAUTY Spiritual Beauty Magazine"

Release Date  Sept. 23

Deadline of writing Sept. 3

Contact:  Fashion Weekly  Feature Editor REN Fanghui  renfanghui@sg.com.cn

 PART I Astrology and Individuals

  1. What is your core method to do chart reading (Do you focus on Sun? Ascendant? Nodes? ) ?

Every chart represents a unique pattern that requires a system of analysis to interpret and explain the data.  The core method I utilize hinges on the Lunar Nodes.

2. Is it rigid to divide people into 12 categories?  Yes.

3. Why do people with the same zodiac sign have very different characters? Both the hour & minute and place of birth are necessary in calculating a chart for an individual.  Each person’s cosmic identity is far more complex than simply the position of the Sun, i.e. “Sun Signs” or Sign of the Zodiac, and includes the birth position of the Moon, planets, and other geocosmic factors.

4. It is more and more popular for people to use online astrology reports to predict fortune, but which often contains some contradicting parts. Is this indicating that this approach is not workable? One reason online astrology reports contain contradictory information is due to the fact that they are “computer generated reports” and therefore lack “synthesis.” However, as computer programs become more sophisticated a greater degree of synthesis will begin to solve this issue.  Computer generated astrology reports will increasingly offer a better product.  Another reason for these apparent contradictions is due to the common fact that most of us contain “contradictions” in our natures, and thus the challenge of forecasting is one that must take into account the different ways these conflicting or contradictory factors might play-out for the individual. This process is even more complex than predicting the weather, as there are more variables to consider.  However, I am convinced that computer generated astrological reports will soon offer more readable and reliable information.  All one has to do is look at how these computer generated reports have improved over the last twenty years.

5. Many people turn to astrology when falling in love, can it help us find the true love? Depending on how you define “true love,” my answer is “yes.”

6. How can we use the astrology to help ourselves? Astrology helps us to understand “who we are” which is essential in making decisions in our lives that really fulfill our needs.

7. Can you share one or two cases of your clients? Yes. I was on retainer with A.W. Hutchinson and Associates, a major construction liability firm, for twenty years.  I assisted them in the staffing of middle and upper management and worked closely with both the owner and upper management in solving issues that ranged from the timing and scheduling of corporate endeavors, from meetings, to presentations, etc.  Likewise I assisted in the analysis of their cases and in improving inner company communications and human relations issues.  I also advised a former Mayor of Atlanta, Maynard Jackson, who later credited me with helping to prevent a strike of transit workers in the city. (There are numerous such cases.  I chose these because I have the permission of A.W. Hutchinson, and in the case of former Mayor Maynard Jackson, he is now deceased and it would not violate professional confidence.)
8.Can you give advice to 12 zodiac sign by using only one word for each? Aries: patience. Taurus: generosity, Gemini: silence, Cancer: comfort, Leo: humility, Virgo: relax, Libra: decide, Scorpio: relinquish, Sagittarius: listen, Capricorn: laugh, Aquarius: feel, Pisces: focus.  All of these key “one” words are meant to provide advice that counter balances the nature of each sign – and is therefore opposite of each signs more pronounced issue.    

9.What would you say to those people who consult astrology before doing everything, or who are obsessed with astrology? I would say they need to take a break!  What I always say to people is this, “I want you to take me seriously, but not ‘exclusively.”  Meaning, I want my clients to consult others as well and to take into account common sense factors when weighing out the relevancy of what I tell them.

10.Is our fate destined from the start, or can be changed?  Fate and free will are intertwined, and influence each other.  Our destiny is influenced by our “awareness.”  Astrology improves your awareness of yourself and therefore allows you to participate with greater consciousness in your life, making decisions that really suit who you are.  The more aware you are the more choices you have.  Thus astrology gives you more ‘choices’ not less.  This power of choice strongly influences your destiny.  Likewise, I believe “character is destiny.”

11.So what is the power to make stars run? Western Astrology is in practice really more concerned with Earth cycles and or seasonal cycles as relate to our relationship with the Sun, Moon and planets.  Though the stars are sometimes taken into account, western astrologers interpret the data of our Solar System relative to our Earth’s yearly orbit and daily axis spin.  Ask an astronomer what makes the stars run, really a nuclear phenomena best explained by an astrophysicist.  If you are asking me what makes astrology work?  I can only answer that the best theory offered thus far is from Percy Seymour, an astronomer in England that proposed a series of theories to explain astrological phenomena in the 1980’s and 1990’s.  His primary theory involved “the tidal variations of electro-magnetic energy” as relates to our Sun and planets, etc.


Part II Zodiac sign and Society

1.What’s the reason, you think, for astrology to be much more popular in China than 10 years ago? In terms of western astrology, this is due to the internet and the prevalence of western astrology.  Western astrology is “relevant” to modern life, having upgraded itself as a profession over the last 60 years.  Unfortunately, I’m not sure if this is the case for Chinese astrology on mainland China, even though I have the greatest respect for Chinese astrology and continue to be fascinated by what I have been able to read and learn about the many different types of Chinese astrology.  Western astrology offers the younger emerging generations of China insights that help them deal with the complexities and challenges of modern life.

2.Is there any difference between astrology and other forms of divine art, such as Eight Characters  tarot, numerology? Yes, they are different systems.

3.What’s the deep motivation of people hoping zodiac sign to guide themselves? The main motivation is looking for “sign posts” along the road of life.  People are always searching for answers, and astrology can provide very good answers and guidance.

4.Can astrology help us solve the problems which can’t be solved by our teacher, good friends as well as parents, even the therapist? Yes. However, astrologers should work with teachers, parents, therapists, and friends.  I work with many clients sent to me by their therapist.

5.Is it fortunate or unfortunate for us to turn to astrology to find who we are when we can’t find our true self  in life? It is fortunate if one uses astrology for the right reasons, i.e. “personal growth” and “trend analysis.”  It is unfortunate if someone misuses astrology as an “excuse” to explain their bad behavior or problems.

6.Do you believe the view of “incompatible signs”? Is it a kind of discrimination for some companies to consult astrology when recruiting people? What’s your opinion? Basing compatibility on Sun Signs or Zodiac Signs exclusively is incorrect and problematic.  Companies should not base their decisions on simply a person’s Zodiac or Sun Sign, which is ridiculous. However, it is not discriminatory but intelligent and helpful for companies to use the entire birth chart based on time of birth, month, day, year and place of birth when recruiting people.


PART III Zodiac sign and Oneself

1.When do you start to know about astrology? I began to study astrology 40 years ago.

2.Is it your mission to become an astrologer? HA! One is always a student, even after more than 30 years of professional practice.

3.What kind of people could become an astrologer? The best astrologers are those people that make good counselors or consultants, those that like to work with people and have both good social skills, intuition, and a logical mind.

4.What’s your greatest gain when becoming an astrologer? Helping others to live more fulfilling lives.


5.What’s your own sign? I am a Libra Sun Sign, Moon in Sagittarius, with Sagittarius Rising.


6.What is the biggest frustration as well as the biggest benefit your zodiac sign gives you? The biggest benefit is in working with people as a consultant, the biggest frustration is trying to keep everyone happy.


7.What signs do you think don’t match yours? I do not share this opinion, so the question is irrelevant.


8.What signs do you think will become your friends? All signs.


9.What is the reason of different astrological interpretations by different astrologers? Much depends upon the school of thought or training of the astrologer in question.  Likewise, different astrologers have different areas of focus and expertise.  In my experience there is more in common in interpretations among professional astrologers in the US and the UK than there are differences.  The differences have more to do with the “philosophy” of the astrologer than with the basic astrological data.  My focus is on communicating and discussing “life purpose” issues with clients, whereas another astrologer might focus on character analysis only.



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